So I heard somewhere about the three and a half logical fears as related to risk-taking. The last one being part logical, part illogical.
The gist is if you are not directly threatened by one of the following you should take the risk anyway.
1) Death - as far as scientists can tell and most theologians - there's only one shot at this game called life, so do-overs are not an option. That being said if you risk your life doing something it had better have some fantastic payoff or benefit in the end.
2) Dismemberment - If you could lose a limb taking a risk you might as well think twice. The sad thing is we take that risk every time we get behind the wheel of automobile.
3) Destitution - Been there, done that. Being destitute and penniless is not a fun state of being. Financial freedom is liberating by contrast.Will the risk you take leave you bankrupt? Is it worth it to risk that today?
3.5) Divorce - This would be the "half" as some are good divorces and some are bad. Some of us may be with a supportive partner who it would devastate our lives to lose.
Others among us chose incorrectly when we were looking for a partner to spend "forever" with and are in desperate need of a do-over or at least an end to a strenuous situation.
Some risks we take may end in divorce and it's all up to you to decide whether this is or isn't worth it.
Update: This post was inspired by an Entrepreneur on Fire interview with Dan Andrews
What do you think? Is the risk worth it? Are you scared of taking a risk for some reason that's not listed above? Tell me in the comments below:
This Blog's Purpose
The purpose of this blog is help people improve their Mind, Body, Soul (relationships) and their Money.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
(OWW) Outside Wages Wednesday = $0.98
I earned a little more than last week but, not near the alltime high.
The plan is to look for promotional partners to dramatically change this going forward.
The plan is to look for promotional partners to dramatically change this going forward.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
(T4T) Tips for Tuesday - 5 financial experts and PF bloggers give advice on finances
So this week I reached out to both Financial Experts and PF (Personal Finance) Bloggers on the best advice that they've both received and given.
You may notice a common theme among the responses - let me know in the comments below if you agree, disagree or have a different perspective of your own.
Michael Kitces
Director of Research for
Pinnacle Advisory Group
"The real key we see amongst clients to reaching financial
independence is not about spending less and saving more, but about
reaching a lifestyle you can maintain
and enjoy, and NOT just increasing it every time you get a raise and
have more money to spend. Once you commit to your current lifestyle –
and commit that you’ll maintain your current lifestyle and save your
raises as they come in the future – you can get
off the roller-coaster of more income = more spending, and get into the
habit of more income = more saving. If you live your 30s like your 20s,
your 40s like your 30s, and your 50s like your 40s, you’ll find it far
easier to retire when the time comes! Our
happiest clients are the ones who, as their career and income
increased, simply kept living the life they already enjoyed, and saved
the rest as it came – and reaching financial independence sooner than they had ever expected!"
BIO: With a natural inclination for thorough analysis, lifelong focus on advanced education, and years of experience in the financial services industry, Michael Kitces works to accelerate his clients financial planning knowledge. As a writer and speaker he works diligently to be on the cutting edge of finance. Mr. Kitces is constantly keeping abreast of changes in the financial planning industry so he can pass that knowledge on to his clients.
Laurie Campbell
CEO Credit Canada Debt Solutions
"The best financial lesson I have learned is a simple one, and that
is to be patient. There is so much hype in the media and from society to do
everything now: spend your money now, get rich now, retire early, finance that
car now, etc. that the simple message of being patient in planning and saving
seems to be lost.
If you look at our ancestors, patience was something that was
necessary in life. There were no credit cards to purchase well before you could
afford an item. There was an understanding that you could not have it all and
you needed to set specific goals and plan ahead. In those days an emergency
fund wasn’t a luxury. It was a necessity. They knew that they would have to
work long and hard before they could retire and they were OK with this.
They knew that by hard work, watching their savings grow and staying out of
debt they could achieve their financial goals. There was no such thing as a $50
million dollar lottery to be won which has become a retirement plan for some.
They knew a penny saved was a dollar earned and they had the
patience to save a little bit from each pay to ensure that overtime they would
build up their nest egg. By being patient, we can all spend a little less, save
a little more and watch our own nest egg grow over time"
BIO:Since joining Credit Canada in 1990, Ms. Campbell has assumed progressively more important roles within the organization, becoming part of its senior leadership team as Program Manager in 1993. Her responsibilities have notably included management in the agency's education department, which presents seminars on money management and credit-related issues to over 10,000 people annually.
A graduate of the University of Ottawa, currently Ms
Campbell serves on the Finance Canada Payments Advisory Committee
(FinPay) which serves as a discussion forum regarding developments
related to public
policy issues, such as competition, innovation, safety, user needs and
consumer protection as it relates to the payments system.
Karlene Sinclair-Robinson
Alternative Financing Expert, Small Business Advocate, Speaker, Instructor &
Bestselling Author: Spank The Bank: THE Guide To Alternative Business Financing
KsR Solutions, LLC
Bestselling Author: Spank The Bank: THE Guide To Alternative Business Financing
KsR Solutions, LLC
"When the
financial market crashed, many of us felt the impact. The failure rate of many
jumped. To say that those days were ‘trying’ ... is an understatement. How do
you survive such
negative economic impact?
Many of us
could learn from [a] small business owner [I worked with].
Having been in the trucking repair business in Texas for many years, when the financial downturn hit, he, like the rest of us, had to face it somehow.
Having been in the trucking repair business in Texas for many years, when the financial downturn hit, he, like the rest of us, had to face it somehow.
This small
business owner realized one thing: survival was the key.This
entrepreneur realized that selling his accounts receivable was a necessity. Why
sit on paper assets when you
have no money in the bank? How do you meet payroll and other business expenses
if you
have to wait
to get paid? He figured it was better to sell his receivables to a factoring
financing source instead of
waiting weeks or months to get paid. He realized the ‘time-value of money’, in
that money today is
worth more than waiting to receive the same amount in the future... if
this business owner had not been able to use factoring to access the financing
he needed...He could have been
one of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) statistics of so many failed businesses. Business
financing, especially alternative access to capital, is a necessity during
survival or growth periods.
BIO: Karlene
Sinclair-Robinson, dubbed “The Queen of Business Financing” is the Bestselling
Author of 'SPANK THE BANK: The Guide to Alternative Business Financing'. She is
an expert on 'Alternative Business Financing' for startups, small businesses
and struggling entrepreneurs. She is a speaker, instructor, consultant and
principal of KSR Solutions, LLC, based in Northern Virginia. She is also a top
Twitter business financing source to follow via @KarleneSinRob. Website:
Blogger, Freelance Writer, Mechanical Engineering Graduate.
"My grandfather always used to tell me:
'If your outflow exceeds your inflow, your upkeep will be your downfall'.
is critical. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, if you spend
more than you bring in you’re going to be in trouble. You need to either
make more money, start spending less, or both.
remember that banks are a business, and businesses exist to make money.
They make their money off you. Remember that the next time you get a
credit offer in the mail or at your branch. They may be friendly, but
their products may not be friendly to your money."
BIO: Similar to her blog, Cassie is a bit of a hodgepodge in human form. She graduated high school wanting an arts degree, went to Denmark as an exchange student, came back wanting to be a Dietician, and graduated years later with a Mechanical Engineering degree. At Any given moment she could be thinking about: housing, fashion, technology, cooking, art, gardening, investing, men, travelling, the future, the economy, volunteering, or anything else a professional woman in her 20's might think about... Except politics. She hates politics.
Mr. Canadian Budget Binder
Personal Finance Blogger
"I learned about money from a young age from my parents. I also had a paper route which super-charged me into a money saving machine. I was told that I [should] never spend my money unless I had to. Which is just about the way I am today. I recall my parents saying that I should save a portion of my paper route pay so I wouldn't spend it all just in case I needed it for something important. You never know when you would blow a tire on your bike is what my thought pattern was like. I believe that piece of advice led to my understanding of spending less than you earn. Now I share this with my blog followers, "It's not about how much money you make, it's how you save it" and hope to inspire others by keeping finance simple."
BIO: Mr.CBB shares budgeting tips, frugal lifestyle, relationships, recipes, parenting, personal finance and so much more for his over 4500 fans all around the world. After all “money is money, debt is debt” no matter where you live. Come join him on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
FoFF - FUNNY - Funny or Feature Fridays
To be clear this a pitch disguised as comedy but, I think Kyle Cease does such a great job - you can barely see it coming:
Thursday, June 20, 2013
(TOT) Thought on Thursday - "It's real easy to be..."
"It's real easy to be a critic, it's hard to be a creator" - Dan Miller (Author of 48 days to the work you love)
So I was listening to Dan Miller's podcast earlier this week. I heard this quote.
I think he may have a point.
It's easy to criticize, to disparage and to heckle other people when the spotlight's on them.
It's a harder thing to be the one on the stage,
The person in the ring
or the one who takes responsibility when all others shrug it off.
If you create something beautiful, or something evolving into something beautiful, chances are you will get some type of criticism if it's something unique and different. Just don't let that stop you.
So I was listening to Dan Miller's podcast earlier this week. I heard this quote.
I think he may have a point.
It's easy to criticize, to disparage and to heckle other people when the spotlight's on them.
It's a harder thing to be the one on the stage,
The person in the ring
or the one who takes responsibility when all others shrug it off.
If you create something beautiful, or something evolving into something beautiful, chances are you will get some type of criticism if it's something unique and different. Just don't let that stop you.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
(OWW) Outside Wages Wednesday = $0.37
So compared to last week's return, I lost a lot of traction but, I intend to learn some adsense and affiliate marketing this weekend.
Also 0.37 is better than $0.00 every day of the week.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
(T4T) Tips for Tuesday - 10 Artists Share - How to Be a Professional Artist
Ever since I've been a little kid, I've had a love of art and especially drawing. I would've gone to art school if a family member hadn't intervened and said "you know, artists tend to struggle financially" or something to that effect when I was at a very impressionable age. In an instant a dream died.
I mention all that to say - that family member didn't know what they were talking about - here are some artists who are making a living doing their art full-time and their tips on how you (if artistically inclined) can too:
Walter Herrmann
Find out more about Mr. Herrmann at:
Geoff McFetridge
Find out more about Mr. McFetridge at
"Don't wait for a perfect time. Don't wait for a better studio space, or more time, or to take a month off to start making something. It is better to do a doodle every day than put off making a masterpiece for years."
Alan Reeve
Find out more about Mr. Reeve at:
"Devote all the time you can to making art. The more time you put into your art, the more you learn, the better it becomes. Strive to be the best at what you create. If your work is the best, people will want it."
Andrea "Dre" Fox
Find out more about about Ms. Fox at :
"The best tip I could give artists that want to pursue their art as a full time "job" is to treat it like it is a job. Dedicate a space for work only... Go to that space every day at regular times just like you would if you were leaving the house to go to an outside job. Develop a network of other artists that act as your peer "support group" that you would likely have at a job. That way you have like minded individuals that you can bounce ideas off of, collaborate on projects with, and vent to. Sometimes routine and schedule do put a crimp in a creative process, and it's OK to occasionally blow off your regular routine and spend 3 hours watching Ab Fab and eating popcorn with one of your also creatively stymied friends, but as a general rule, if you treat it like it's a job that you have to actually go to, the chances of rampant procrastination lessen significantly. "
Daric Gill
Find out more about Mr. Gill at:
" 1). Make as much work as you say you do. Or make as much work as you say you would like to make. 2). Full-time artists work full-time hours. Most likely more. That means not just a few hrs when you feel like it. 3). Study pricing how-tos. Know your work's value. 4). Grow continually. Make a list of the top 10 questions you DON'T want to be asked about your work. Those are the loopholes that you are purposely avoiding. Find their answers instead of hiding from them. 5.) Learn how to talk about your work. Don't hide behind, "It's too personal". If you've agreed to discuss it visually, you've agreed to talk about it verbally. 6.) If you're local to a gallery, visit it first before pitching your work to them. 7.) Rejection is part of the job. Learn how to handle it gracefully and use it as a positive motivator. 8.) Know when to be confident not boastful and when to be modest but not retreating."
W. Ralph Walters
Find out more about Mr. Walters at:
your work. I know so many artists - good artists - that are far more
likely to push folks to watch a TV show or movie or book they like than
ask people to look at their work. It's okay to like your work. To be
successful, you have to like your
own work. So talk about it! Share it with people, like you might go on
about a movie or book or band you like. If you're part of a group art
show, pimp that art show. If your work comes up in conversation, make
sure you have business cards with an address to a portfolio site you can
pass out. Let people know what you do, and watch opportunities start
sprouting up."
Jeremy Deller
Find out more about Mr. Deller at:
You can find more of Mr. Deller's work at his site above but, In addition to his piece above I really enjoyed this short youtube clip where he talks about failure:
"Be really good at it and try not to copy other artists too much"
Dale Ziemianski
Find out more about Mr. Ziemianski at
"Go to every Craigslist Creative Gigs in every city in the world - every forum where people post art jobs (Like Deviant Art, Polycount Forum, etc) and pipe them all through an RSS feed (like Netvibes or Feedly) and check it every day - even if you already have work, because if you get more work than you can handle you can then start to raise your prices. Also - streamline your workflow. Every second you save gives you a raise. is the best replacement for (the soon-to-be-defunct) Google Reader. It streams all the various RSS feeds chronologically despite their source and can be viewed just as well on a mobile phone - so whenever you're away from your desk and bored you can fill that time looking for work and messaging the jobs to your email address to research once you get home,."
Derek Stewart
Find out more about Mr. Stewart at:
"[Don't] be too rigid in your working methods. This is something I struggle with, but I'm finding that different projects can often have a different process of coming into being even within the same artform or medium. Some drawings require laborious planning to execute while others may seem to appear spontaneously. Some stories require a beat by beat outline and some find themselves on the page. I think a lot of people are too preoccupied with either finding or sticking to their way of doing things when in reality any way you do a given thing that gets it done becomes your way.... [So]If you are struggling with something, try approaching it differently. For most artists, all of our creations are different animals and maybe they should all be respected and treated as such."
Tona Pearson
Find out more about Ms. Pearson at:
need to decide pretty quickly whether or not you are making art for
yourself (because it makes you happy) or for other people (to sell art).
I think that many of us fell into
a "But I wanna create stuff that I WANT to create, and people should
just buy it" rut, when really, you have to go out and sell yourself, and
your stuff in ways that you probably aren't going to expect. If you
want to make money full time as an artist, you have to be willing to
make art for other people, and not just yourself."
I mention all that to say - that family member didn't know what they were talking about - here are some artists who are making a living doing their art full-time and their tips on how you (if artistically inclined) can too:
Walter Herrmann
Find out more about Mr. Herrmann at:
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Mechanized Organic |
"prepare for sacrifice!!!"
Geoff McFetridge
Find out more about Mr. McFetridge at
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Unititled |
"Don't wait for a perfect time. Don't wait for a better studio space, or more time, or to take a month off to start making something. It is better to do a doodle every day than put off making a masterpiece for years."
Alan Reeve
Find out more about Mr. Reeve at:
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Adoration |
"Devote all the time you can to making art. The more time you put into your art, the more you learn, the better it becomes. Strive to be the best at what you create. If your work is the best, people will want it."
Andrea "Dre" Fox
Find out more about about Ms. Fox at :
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I can't let it go (because it won't let go of me) |
"The best tip I could give artists that want to pursue their art as a full time "job" is to treat it like it is a job. Dedicate a space for work only... Go to that space every day at regular times just like you would if you were leaving the house to go to an outside job. Develop a network of other artists that act as your peer "support group" that you would likely have at a job. That way you have like minded individuals that you can bounce ideas off of, collaborate on projects with, and vent to. Sometimes routine and schedule do put a crimp in a creative process, and it's OK to occasionally blow off your regular routine and spend 3 hours watching Ab Fab and eating popcorn with one of your also creatively stymied friends, but as a general rule, if you treat it like it's a job that you have to actually go to, the chances of rampant procrastination lessen significantly. "
Daric Gill
Find out more about Mr. Gill at:
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Absolute: Radiance |
" 1). Make as much work as you say you do. Or make as much work as you say you would like to make. 2). Full-time artists work full-time hours. Most likely more. That means not just a few hrs when you feel like it. 3). Study pricing how-tos. Know your work's value. 4). Grow continually. Make a list of the top 10 questions you DON'T want to be asked about your work. Those are the loopholes that you are purposely avoiding. Find their answers instead of hiding from them. 5.) Learn how to talk about your work. Don't hide behind, "It's too personal". If you've agreed to discuss it visually, you've agreed to talk about it verbally. 6.) If you're local to a gallery, visit it first before pitching your work to them. 7.) Rejection is part of the job. Learn how to handle it gracefully and use it as a positive motivator. 8.) Know when to be confident not boastful and when to be modest but not retreating."
W. Ralph Walters
Find out more about Mr. Walters at:
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Our Lady of Guadalupe |
Jeremy Deller
Find out more about Mr. Deller at:
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Bless This Acid House |
You can find more of Mr. Deller's work at his site above but, In addition to his piece above I really enjoyed this short youtube clip where he talks about failure:
"Be really good at it and try not to copy other artists too much"
Dale Ziemianski
Find out more about Mr. Ziemianski at
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Supergirl - Dale Ziemianski |
"Go to every Craigslist Creative Gigs in every city in the world - every forum where people post art jobs (Like Deviant Art, Polycount Forum, etc) and pipe them all through an RSS feed (like Netvibes or Feedly) and check it every day - even if you already have work, because if you get more work than you can handle you can then start to raise your prices. Also - streamline your workflow. Every second you save gives you a raise. is the best replacement for (the soon-to-be-defunct) Google Reader. It streams all the various RSS feeds chronologically despite their source and can be viewed just as well on a mobile phone - so whenever you're away from your desk and bored you can fill that time looking for work and messaging the jobs to your email address to research once you get home,."
Derek Stewart
Find out more about Mr. Stewart at:
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Mermaid - By Derek Stewart |
"[Don't] be too rigid in your working methods. This is something I struggle with, but I'm finding that different projects can often have a different process of coming into being even within the same artform or medium. Some drawings require laborious planning to execute while others may seem to appear spontaneously. Some stories require a beat by beat outline and some find themselves on the page. I think a lot of people are too preoccupied with either finding or sticking to their way of doing things when in reality any way you do a given thing that gets it done becomes your way.... [So]If you are struggling with something, try approaching it differently. For most artists, all of our creations are different animals and maybe they should all be respected and treated as such."
Tona Pearson
Find out more about Ms. Pearson at:
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Unititled |
Monday, June 17, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
The start of something new
Instead of the usual post from experts that we've been focusing on the past several Sundays I plan to shift the timing a little as an experiment.
This coming Tuesday we'll experiment with "Tips 4 Tuesday" and this week we'll focus on Full-time Artists.
This coming Tuesday we'll experiment with "Tips 4 Tuesday" and this week we'll focus on Full-time Artists.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
(TOT) Thought on Thursday: Smoke
As I was meditating the other day, I looked up and saw the incense for the first time:
The smoke is so much like our lives.
They burn quickly for a moment
Begin to take form
Then in an instant the thing just beginning to take form, disappears.
Hopefully your life is beginning to take form.
The smoke is so much like our lives.
They burn quickly for a moment
Begin to take form
Then in an instant the thing just beginning to take form, disappears.
Hopefully your life is beginning to take form.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
(OWW) Outside Wages Wednesday = $2.67
Source - Adsense.
So I effectively crushed last week's earnings with my adsense earnings this week + month.
Now, I just need to develop other sources of income. We'll see what me and my wonderful assistant can accomplish.
So I effectively crushed last week's earnings with my adsense earnings this week + month.
Now, I just need to develop other sources of income. We'll see what me and my wonderful assistant can accomplish.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
7 fitness experts give habits to break away
So this week I reached out to fitness experts again and asked the following question:
“What is one bad fitness habit you often see that people should break today?”
As usual the responses were phenomenal:
"Stop making your strong
muscles stronger, and your weak muscles weaker! If you are only using
machines to do strength training you're creating a larger muscular
imbalance than you had to start with. ... If you are using
a machine to do - chest press, your strong side is pushing a
greater majority of the weight than your weak side. Therefore, you will
never be able to equal out the strength of the muscles used on the
right and left sides. This will also put a limit on how strong you can
actually get. If you are going to use machines, make sure to either
balance it out with use of free weights and body weight exercises, or
try lowering the weight and doing single side sets!"
“What is one bad fitness habit you often see that people should break today?”
As usual the responses were phenomenal:
[Forgetting that] "It's
all on you.
There is nobody else to blame but you. Where you are in life is because of the choices you made. If you are not fit, if you are overweight, if your job sucks, if you kids don't listen, on and on and on. As soon as you realize that you are responsible for everything the sooner you can change your life for the better.”
There is nobody else to blame but you. Where you are in life is because of the choices you made. If you are not fit, if you are overweight, if your job sucks, if you kids don't listen, on and on and on. As soon as you realize that you are responsible for everything the sooner you can change your life for the better.”
Leigh Ann Garstecki
Nutritionist and Certified Strength and Conditiong Specialist at
exercise technique is a habit that must be broken if results are to be
Learn from an expert and focus on technique as a priority before trying to
increase intensity.”
Del Monte
Author, Registered Nurse, Certified Personal Trainer, Masters Nutrition Certification
"no" more than you say "yes" this summer. Would you like
fries with that? Dessert? How about a beer? No, thank you. Saving the
"treat" meals or snacks for special occasions will help keep
thousands of calories off during these summer months full of parties and
outdoor events.”
"Stop doing cirque du soliel balancing acts and calling them functional training!!
acts have been generally called 'functional training' by those who obviously
don’t know what functional is. Balance exercise have been touted as using
a greater amount of muscles, burn more calories, burn more fat, increase
strength, and host of other fitness and health benefits. ALL LIES!!
Balancing, for the most part, teaches you how to balance – not how to do
anything else. I can teach you how to balance on a board – that does not
mean you are going to play better soccer, or get lean for that matter.
your feet on the ground and move as much weight as you can, as long as you can,
and as far as you can and you will get in shape, be functional, and if your diet is right – you'll look great too.
Nick Tumminello
Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator & Author/Producer of the DVD
Strength Training for Fat Loss
into the gym and attempting to demonstrate strength (i.e. quantity) instead of
trying to focusing on good technique (i.e. quality).
Sure you want to lift loads that
challenge you, but not loads so heavy that you can't maintain control of and
have to cheat to lift.
A good general guideline for the
goal of building muscle is to use the heaviest weight you can lift (using good
form, without cheating) for 8-12 reps... with each rep performed with a 2-3
second eccentric lowering portion.”
Mandy Ingber
Fitness and wellness expert, speaker, producer, instructor, and Author of
lofty goals. It's important to have the feeling of meeting your goals and
feeling accomplished. When we set lofty goals, like "losing 25 lbs",
we get discouraged when we don't see immediate results. Set short term goals
that you can accomplish, and you will build self esteem.”
So what do you think? Are there even worse fitness habits to get rid of? Do you additional advice to share? If so, leave a comment below.
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