This Blog's Purpose
The purpose of this blog is help people improve their Mind, Body, Soul (relationships) and their Money.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
Monday, June 15, 2015
Monday, June 8, 2015
Monday, June 1, 2015
Monday, May 25, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
The top 5 Business Periscopers - you should follow:
So as some may already know and others are finding out now, I have become addicted to the new live streaming app that Twitter bought in March for a reported $100 Million dollars. Methinks they got a steal.
This app is in it's infancy but has the potential to become the new youtube or at least the replacement for Vine.
That being said, I've been curating a few of my favorite Persicopers over the month or so I've been "'scoping" and wanted to share these great gentlemen (sorry no ladies thus far) that share great tips on the regular for navigating this new potentially game-changing app.
Here we go in no particular order:
1) Alex Pettit @Alexpettitt British youngin' who knows his stuff as far as periscope goes - has a "heart count" in the millions.
2) Grant Cardone @GrantCadone American (Miami) sales guru whose team was on it as soon as the new app came out. Side note, his account was (allegedly?) one of the accounts shut down for broadcasting the Mayweather vs Pacquiao over livestream much to HBO's dismay I'm sure.
3) Robert C Stern @RobertCStern American social media guy from New Jersey who gives social media tips here and there and most recently attempted to livestream for 24 hours straight without stopping. Last I checked, the signal faded out at about 22 hours but I could be wrong.
4) Mark Shaw @markshaw Is a fast talking British guy who typically starts each podcast with his @CostaCoffee cup. Most of his tips are right on though and he typically keeps his "scope episodes" to about 5 minutes or less.
5) Ryan Steinolfson @ryansteinolfson Is a Southern California internet marketing guy who appears to know his stuff as far as the business aspect of Periscope continues to evolve.
OK so there's my quick list - check them out - and let me know what you think of their scopes - or even mine @Motivating_Mins in the comments below.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Monday, May 4, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Top 5 things I learned at the New Media Expo (hint: Periscope is involved) -Thought for Thursday
A drone broadcasting the audience during the conference |
So last week, I spent the majority of my time in Las Vegas at one of the best conferences I've ever attended. The New Media Expo (formerly blog world) #NMX is a conference that focuses primarily on content creators - Such as Bloggers, Vloggers/Web Video and Podcasters.
Here are my top 5 key takeaways from the conference - hopefully they help:
1) NEWSFLASH: Podcasting is on the rise - Mignon Fogarty (@GrammarGirl), Cliff Ravenscraft (@GSPN) and Vernon Ross (@RossPR) all spoke about the importance of podcasting in the past few years. What some refer to as "internet radio" is beginning to replace peoples radio listening habits as more and more people look for ways to learn or be entertained without having to look at a screen.
Your's truly and Chris Ravenscraft |
2) If you're not a podcaster, focus on the visual - One thing that I learned at the conference which I somewhat olds news is that not only facebook, but also twitter and other social platforms are now focusing on videos first, pictures second and plain text last. So if and when you can - get a video. If no video at least have a picture on your blog post - preferably a professional picture that triggers an emotion.
3) Get organized - Syed Balkhi (@syedbalkhi) did a great presentation about how to increase your views to your website. His very first bullet point was about getting organized though. Rich Brooks (@therichbrooks) talked a lot about twitter but the key takeaway I got from his presentation is the importance of lists on twitter. You may already already know about this but once you have over 100 profiles that you're following on twitter, lists will help you keep track of groups such as "who is a friend", "people who are local" , people who are "thought leaders", etc - without having to sift through irrelevant tweets in your twitter feed.
4) Tell a story - Ekaterina Walter (@Ekaterina) talked about how important both visuals and stories are when trying to get a message across to an audience. She showed great examples of videos and photos done by large companies that engaged individuals emotionally rather than primarily promotional things about XYZ company. Since my mom passed away recently - this video definitely made me tear up a little. The Keynote speech by Pat Flynn (@PatFlynn) was both engaging and nostalgic with him actually entering the conference room in THE Bona fide Delorean from Back to the future.
My view of the Delorean from #NMX |
So If you have an iphone and you haven't downloaded Periscope yet - weigh the decision carefully as you my never look away from your iphone screen again.
Periscope - along with it's first to market competitor Meerkat - are both apps that allow you to live-stream video from your phone and drop in on people live-streaming from their phone. This is, in my opinion, like Youtube on steroids - Periscope in particular is linked directly to twitter which allows you to check in on effervescent video from around the world. It's also different from Vine in that the video length can be as long or as short as possible and is happening right now, not being edited and then uploaded. In the past week I've become a little bit obsessed with this app (@Motivating_Mins) it seems like broadcasters in particular know about it but one of the most popular English speaking 'scopers is @BradmanTV a Minneapolis based Periscoper who is the last week has likely broadcasted on the most consistent basis - even broadcasting himself sleeping at night.
Big thanks to @StevenKArthur for tipping me off to this awesome app.
There were a bunch more lessons that were taught but those were definitely the top five. If you were at the event - please feel free to post what you learned in the comment section.
Monday, April 20, 2015
MMV: Monday's Motivational Video -Mental Endurance (polished motivation)
Although lacking on graphics - the message is on point (correct):
Monday, April 13, 2015
Monday, April 6, 2015
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Thought for Thursday - Things My Mother taught me

My mother passed away early Wednesday morning. Like most mothers - she meant so much to me. I've been racking my brain to think of what lessons she taught me - there were a few.
1) Knowledge is power: As early as I can recall my mother used to get me and my little brother ridiculously excited to go to the library. So much so to the point that when she would say "Do you guys want to go to the library?" we'd yell back "the library yay!" . By no small coincidence we're both bibliophiles today.You'd be hard pressed to find either of us at home or on a rip without a good book nearby or downloaded to a smartphone reader.
2) If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all - I try to stick to this rule but I slip occasionally. I've been told before though that instead of actually saying things I have a tendency to give "looks" that say more than enough.
3) Be a gentleman - From an early age I was taught to be respectful, open doors, say "yes ma'am" and "yes sir". In today's society I regularly question if this is worthwhile knowledge.
4) Be of service to others - For years my mother volunteered in the soup kitchen based out of her church's basement. She would occasionally pull me in as well to help. In my late 20's and early 30's every other Saturday morning I could be found there helping feed the homeless of Columbus Ohio. Sometimes I was greeted with smiles of gratitude other times I as met with complaints on the quality of the food. Every-time I felt accomplished once we completed a line full of 50-110 people.
5) Have faith - I struggle with this one. Logically I know my mother was in a lot of pain due to the ailments she was facing. From a more spiritual perspective I selfishly wanted to achieve more before my mother passed. I made some promises to her that were broken upon her passing.
With any luck she's watching over me and will continue to give guidance.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Thought for Thursday - A Dumpster Diver's Story
So the other day, I went running through apartments in my neighborhood as I sometimes do when I've woken up too late to go to the gym.
On this day I saw a sight I had seen before during this early morning ritual - a dumpster diver, sifting through someone's trash.
I began to get upset since loved ones had been the victims of identity theft more than once. So I decided to confront him.
I asked
"How long have you been dumpster diving?"
"3 months, since I got laid off" he replied
"Does it pay well?"
"$100 - 150 a day" He said then added "People throw way all kinds of crazy stuff from electronics to appliances to gold and silver, someone gets mad at their ex and throws out a perfectly fine gold watch"
"OK" I said at a loss on how to continue.
"Gotta do something to keep food on the table" he added.
As I was leaving I thought about how he might have things figured out to a greater degree than most. If he can make $100-$150 a day from about 2-3 hours of work (@$50-$75 an hour) maybe he's on to something. I got the vibe from his demeanor this is not the guy going on an all-expenses-paid by you shopping spree at Macy's. He's just another person trying to get by.
This also made me think about an NPR interview with a company CEO that dumpster dives in his spare time.The really strange thing is there are even online communities of dumpster divers too.
What do you think? Would you dumpster dive if you could do that for a few hours a day or would you take a minimum wage job working 8+ hours a day?
Monday, March 23, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
30 things (about 2015) I would've been shocked by 30 years ago....
So the other night I happened to go to Dave & Busters and one of the games I played was Galaga. It
had been a while since I played and that got to me thinking about the
first time I played Galaga (released in 1981). It had to have been
about 30 years ago - maybe 1985 or earlier. This got me thinking what it
would be like to attempt to explain the world today to my 6 year old
self. Here's my attempt to explain 30 things that 6-year old me might
need an explanation for:
1.In the future you'll be able to play Galaga on a super-small computer/phone/camera/boom box.
2. To clarify, in the future, everyone will have a mini-super computer in their pocket that will double as boom-box, a camera and a telephone. However, headphones you can connect to this super-computer will still be huge.

3. In the future, instead of rap music being an underground form of music only listened to by black people - EVERYONE (to a degree) will be into rap and it will be very popular, so popular that a skinny white woman from Australia will be (debate-ably) the reigning rap queen.

3. Speaking of, in the future Queen Latifah (who you've never heard of since it's 1985 but will hear of in 1988 trust me) - will be momentarily be a daytime talk-show host after an illustrious rap career. Yes it will happen.
4. L.L.Cool J will become an actor - playing of all things a cop on TV. In fact Ice-T will play a cop on TV too...I am not kidding.
5. In the future, everyone who wants to be on TV will be able to be on TV - and even a lot of people who don't want to be.
6. In the future the Soviet Union will collapse and we'll be friends and simply call the country Russia. Then after about 20 years or so after being friends someone will shoot down a plane-ful of innocent people and we'll pick up right where we left off being enemies again.
7. In the future we still won't have peace in the middle east. (sigh)
8. In the future we will have really big & really flat TVs
9. In the future, they will take every great movie from the 1980's and make it over with better special effects but, most of them will suck.
10. In the future Phil Donahue will be replaced by a black girl named Oprah and many women in America and beyond will look up to her. She will also become the first billionaire TV host. Yes that's billionaire with a "B".
11. In the future, Ice-cube that hard-core rapper out of the west will do kids movies.
13. In the future, you'll be able to use the phone anywhere and I mean anywhere as long as there is something called a "cell phone tower" nearby. No cords to hold onto. (Again this is the mini-super computer - it will be a big part of life).
14. In the future - there will be flying cars but no one will be able to afford them or figure out where to park them yet.
15. In the future - people will be much more excited about electric cars.
16. In the future, Michael Jackson will change races and marry Elvis Presley's daughter
17. In the future, there will be a black president...OK, really he's mixed, which in 1985 just means he's black.
18. In the future, if you have a really cool idea you can go on a TV show called Shark Tank and get thousands or Millions of dollars for it.
19. In the future, Arnold Schwarzenegger - The Terminator/Conan the Barbarian guy will become governor of, I'm serious.
20. In the future some vitamins will be able to be turned into gummie bears - yes it will be awesome.
21. In the future there will be robot cashiers at grocery stores - but it won't be as awesome as it sounds:
22. In the future, parents will be so scared by the news that you'll have to schedule "playdates" instead of just going across the street to the neighbors and asking Mrs. Avery if Jarrod and his brother can come out and play.
23. In the future you'll be able to have a computer in your car but, it won't be as cool as Kit from Knight Rider. Close but, still not as cool.
24. In the future you'll be able to print food. No really.
25. In the future you will be able to practice jumping off a bridge to your death and then being saved at the last minute - people will do this for fun.
26. In the future they'll be really close to having a computer do the driving for you. Again, not as cool as Kit.
27. In the future you'll be able to make a lot of money by doing absolutely nothing but being semi- articulate and creating drama in front of a camera
- this will be called Reality TV. Similar to the Sally Jesse Raphael
Show but different at the same time because there's no live studio
28. In the future, people...lots of people will pay money for filtered tap water rather than drink it from the faucet. No, I'm serious.
30. In the future most arcades will be closed down because you can play video games at home with your friends while they're at home - I know it sounds impossible. On top of that the arcades that are still open will be awesome and have 3-D games much cooler than today but usually there will be an old-school (because you'll be old then) version of Pac-Man or Galaga or both so the adults can reminisce on when they were young.

Now for those born in the 1980's I know I missed a bunch of things that have improved/changed since the 1980's. If you're willing share what else has changed for the better or worse since the 1980's please do so in the comments. Thanks!
1.In the future you'll be able to play Galaga on a super-small computer/phone/camera/boom box.
2. To clarify, in the future, everyone will have a mini-super computer in their pocket that will double as boom-box, a camera and a telephone. However, headphones you can connect to this super-computer will still be huge.
3. In the future, instead of rap music being an underground form of music only listened to by black people - EVERYONE (to a degree) will be into rap and it will be very popular, so popular that a skinny white woman from Australia will be (debate-ably) the reigning rap queen.
3. Speaking of, in the future Queen Latifah (who you've never heard of since it's 1985 but will hear of in 1988 trust me) - will be momentarily be a daytime talk-show host after an illustrious rap career. Yes it will happen.
4. L.L.Cool J will become an actor - playing of all things a cop on TV. In fact Ice-T will play a cop on TV too...I am not kidding.
5. In the future, everyone who wants to be on TV will be able to be on TV - and even a lot of people who don't want to be.
6. In the future the Soviet Union will collapse and we'll be friends and simply call the country Russia. Then after about 20 years or so after being friends someone will shoot down a plane-ful of innocent people and we'll pick up right where we left off being enemies again.
7. In the future we still won't have peace in the middle east. (sigh)
8. In the future we will have really big & really flat TVs
9. In the future, they will take every great movie from the 1980's and make it over with better special effects but, most of them will suck.
10. In the future Phil Donahue will be replaced by a black girl named Oprah and many women in America and beyond will look up to her. She will also become the first billionaire TV host. Yes that's billionaire with a "B".
11. In the future, Ice-cube that hard-core rapper out of the west will do kids movies.
13. In the future, you'll be able to use the phone anywhere and I mean anywhere as long as there is something called a "cell phone tower" nearby. No cords to hold onto. (Again this is the mini-super computer - it will be a big part of life).
14. In the future - there will be flying cars but no one will be able to afford them or figure out where to park them yet.
15. In the future - people will be much more excited about electric cars.
16. In the future, Michael Jackson will change races and marry Elvis Presley's daughter
17. In the future, there will be a black president...OK, really he's mixed, which in 1985 just means he's black.
18. In the future, if you have a really cool idea you can go on a TV show called Shark Tank and get thousands or Millions of dollars for it.
19. In the future, Arnold Schwarzenegger - The Terminator/Conan the Barbarian guy will become governor of, I'm serious.
20. In the future some vitamins will be able to be turned into gummie bears - yes it will be awesome.
21. In the future there will be robot cashiers at grocery stores - but it won't be as awesome as it sounds:
22. In the future, parents will be so scared by the news that you'll have to schedule "playdates" instead of just going across the street to the neighbors and asking Mrs. Avery if Jarrod and his brother can come out and play.
23. In the future you'll be able to have a computer in your car but, it won't be as cool as Kit from Knight Rider. Close but, still not as cool.
24. In the future you'll be able to print food. No really.

25. In the future you will be able to practice jumping off a bridge to your death and then being saved at the last minute - people will do this for fun.
26. In the future they'll be really close to having a computer do the driving for you. Again, not as cool as Kit.
28. In the future, people...lots of people will pay money for filtered tap water rather than drink it from the faucet. No, I'm serious.

29. In the future there will be this incredible thing called the internet that changes the world as we know it. Kind of like Skynet but not as evil -
most days. No one will really mail letters anymore except for at
Christmas & your Birthday because there will be this thing called
email where you can get on your mini-super computer/phone/boombox/camera
and communicate with anyone who also has a mini super computer which
will be most people. It will be an incredible time but unfortunately
there will still be people who want to hurt each other just because they
like to pronounce tomato differently or because they go to a different
type of church
30. In the future most arcades will be closed down because you can play video games at home with your friends while they're at home - I know it sounds impossible. On top of that the arcades that are still open will be awesome and have 3-D games much cooler than today but usually there will be an old-school (because you'll be old then) version of Pac-Man or Galaga or both so the adults can reminisce on when they were young.
Now for those born in the 1980's I know I missed a bunch of things that have improved/changed since the 1980's. If you're willing share what else has changed for the better or worse since the 1980's please do so in the comments. Thanks!
Monday, March 16, 2015
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Thought for Thursday: I am in control. You are in control
So, as I was re-reading some of the great work of Nathaniel Branden earlier today I came across a passage, or maybe it was a sentence exercise, that made me ponder about the concept of being in control.
I came to a sudden realization that "I am in control" which may seem very obvious to some and quite impossible to others. For the last several years I would have to admit that I have subscribed to the latter philosophy.
For far for too long I've held the belief that people at my job control me, but they do not - I have the right to quit at any time. I will likely suffer immediate financial consequences once I quit yet I still have that freedom.
I've also held the belief that my family's approval controls me - this is incorrect also, I being an adult with an arguably sound mind, have the right to make decisions on my own without consulting my family for final approval. Even though these decisions may impact my family directly or indirectly I still have the right to make these decisions as it's my birthright as a being born with free will.
Lastly, I have felt that I have been under the local community's control but, the truth is: so long as I am abiding by the law and not encroaching on others rights or hampering their free will, I can go by my own mores and norms.
I am in control, and by default you are in control of your life. Enjoy the freedom you possess and don't compromise it for anyone.
As a side note, A few months back, I got the urge to send notes to a few living authors who I feel have helped me on my journey. One of them was Dr. Branden. I received an email back form his assistant that he received my message on 11/20/14, Dr. Branden unfortunately passed away on 12/3/14. I feel blessed that the message reached him while he was still here in the realm of the living. God Bless You (which he would've found funny since he was a firm atheist) Dr. Branden and thank you again for your insight.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
Monday, February 16, 2015
Monday, February 9, 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015
Monday, January 26, 2015
Monday, January 19, 2015
Monday, January 12, 2015
Monday, January 5, 2015
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