My opinion - outstanding. Although the book is only 104 pages long ( I read it in about 48 hours) you can sense from the first few pages that this is a woman of intelligence, faith and nobility like few others in the world we live in today.
The Brand Within: The Power of Branding from Birth to the Boardroom (Display of Power Series)
Mr. John and three of his friends started the urban fashion company FUBU (For Us By Us) back in the early 90's. At first they started selling custom designed clothes out of duffel bags but by the late 90's wearing FUBU was the thing to do for both famous rappers and hip hop stars to America's youth in general. In this book Mr. John speaks how 'branding yourself" or becoming "Brandish" as he puts it - is so deeply important. Everything from the shoes you wear to how you smell to what you post on facebook or twitter shapes the Brand that is you. Mr John also talks about his time on the show Shark Tank.
My Opinion - I enjoyed this book as it shows the reader that you don't necessarily need an MBA or college degree to reach your dreams - Mr. John never attended college. Instead, you just need an idea and the persistence to achieve. One great tip that I definitely took away from this book is to paraphrase "Think Global, Start local"
Action Has No Season - By Michael V Roberts I want to be like Mike - Mr. Michael Roberts that is. In this book the St Louis area businessman talks about what one needs to do in order to succeed in business - I'll give you a involves action. Mr. Roberts talks about some of deals amongst a variety of businesses that include stand-alone shopping centers, TV networks and even a unique cellular company that he and his brother Steve. Mostly though, Mr. Roberts goes over what potential entrepreneurs can do to become successful full-time entrepreneurs.
My Opinion - Mr. Roberts does a great job of motivating readers and balancing that with experiences from his own life. He also talks about politics, being a good conversationalist and so on. Overall I love the book, but towards the end, newspaper clippings and a few speeches take on the final third of the book. Overall the advice is sage and Mr. Roberts knows more than a little bit about starting a business and keeping it running smoothly as he and his brother run dozens of businesses that make up a $500 million dollar empire.
I'm currently reading through the 3rd book in the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo novel series and should hopefully have a review ready for next month.
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