You may have noticed a recent lack of posts - there's a reason for this.
I've personally begun to narrow my focus and that narrowing has led to reducing the amount of time I spend on this blog.
Hopefully this will be a temporary change and the regular posts will continue in the near future.
At this point though I need to slow down, reflect and then speed up again.
This Blog's Purpose
The purpose of this blog is help people improve their Mind, Body, Soul (relationships) and their Money.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Brand Yourself - By Lajuan Stoxstill-Diggs
Now is a good time to brand yourself and online marketing is the way to go. The internet has made it possible for us as motivated entrepreneurs to reach millions of prospective clients with one click. Depending on your line of business, you have the option of local, regional, national and international marketing. With my book The Craigslist Hustle, I have the opportunity to reach customers on an international level thanks to the internet. I use a program called Aweber ( that allows me to collect the email addresses of individuals who visit my site (http://www.
Born and raised in Nashville, TN, LaJuan is a father, husband and entrepreneur with the desire to help others succeed. Taking his experiences working in customer service for over 10 years and making a lucrative income from buying and selling online, LaJuan has helped people all around the world with his self help books. Seeing how his family and friends were surprised at how easily he could make money on Craigslist, LaJuan was inspired to sit and write The Craigslist Hustle.

Monday, October 21, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
(ToT) Thought on Thursday: Obsession to win
I was never a big sports fan growing up, to be honest I'm not that big of a sports fan right now.
However, I will admit that I am impressed by the dedication and obsession of the world's greatest sports figures.
This recent article about future Football Hall of Famer - Peyton Manning - gives a glimpse into what it takes to become a champion.
But other greats are equally obsessive.
Michael Jordan obsessed over how to improve when he didn't make varsity in High School.
I imagine Pele practiced a little bit longer than his competition dared to dream of.
It takes a little bit more to be the best. It take a bit of obsession to win.
Question are you as obsessed as your competition?
However, I will admit that I am impressed by the dedication and obsession of the world's greatest sports figures.
This recent article about future Football Hall of Famer - Peyton Manning - gives a glimpse into what it takes to become a champion.
But other greats are equally obsessive.
Michael Jordan obsessed over how to improve when he didn't make varsity in High School.
I imagine Pele practiced a little bit longer than his competition dared to dream of.
It takes a little bit more to be the best. It take a bit of obsession to win.
Question are you as obsessed as your competition?
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
It's fall time to find your rythm - By Savannah Steinberg
If you connect to nature, it is dynamic , it's alive, it's constantly changing and constantly expanding. The waves of the sea come in and go out.. There is consistency in its constant renewal and expansion. If you look at how many of us live our lives, we have fallen out of touch with the natural rhythm and flow of life. Many of us feel like we are on this perpetual hamster wheel and we are just running and running and in this we seldom take time to press pause and connect with:
Where am I in my life?
Is this still where I want to be going?
How can I best use the energy of the season I am going into?
What is it asking of me?
What can I shift to move with the natural flow of life?
Fall is the time where nature is busy getting ready for the next phase which is still and quiet, where it's about turning inwards and recharging. Look at your life, how can you be in flow with nature right now, what can you shed, what can you let go, clear out? Look at all aspects of your life, physically, mentally, friends, relationships, material objects, anything that is draining you or zapping your energy. Now is the time to shed all the layers that are not necessary anymore, and that won't serve you going forward. When we do this, we provide the space for the new to enter.
Ms. Steinberg began her studies with a year in Ayurveda and Iridology. Se went on to study Brand Communications through Vega, School of Advertising, there after she completed my Degree in Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Strategic Brand Management. She is a qualified as an NLP Master Practitioner through Advanced Human technologies. She is also an Associate of CCI, Creative Consciousness international.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Thought on Thursday - Take a break
I was just listening to an audiobook that reconfirmed what many already know. Americans are some of the most overworked people in the world.
We tend to skip our vacation days or aren't given enough vacation so that we can work harder.
I mention this mainly to say I give you permission if you feel overworked, stressed or even if you don't take a break.
Stare at the sky.
Go into your room and close the door.
Shut off the TV and read a funny book or blog.
Take a Chill pill.
Right after that you can go back to the grind. Don't worry. It's not going anywhere.
We tend to skip our vacation days or aren't given enough vacation so that we can work harder.
I mention this mainly to say I give you permission if you feel overworked, stressed or even if you don't take a break.
Stare at the sky.
Go into your room and close the door.
Shut off the TV and read a funny book or blog.
Take a Chill pill.
Right after that you can go back to the grind. Don't worry. It's not going anywhere.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
#1 tip to get fit - By Jason Yun
I want to talk to you today about progress.
More specifically-- taking it one thing at a time.
To start especially--- just take it one thing at a time. As you get better then you can add things.
if you find it hard to start something and see it all the way through
then the one thing at a time rule is definitely your best bet.
For instance- this is the era known as being busy and being stressed :)
Now both of those things don't equate to being productive. Anybody can be busy.
But let's take it to nutrition for an example:
Jill has two kids in elementary school, she is a single mom who really just focuses on taking care of kids, especially in the morning. She makes sure they have a good breakfast ready to go when they come downstairs before school.
Unfortunately, she doesn't make enough time for herself to eat the breakfast she just cooked, so she usually just skips it or grabs something unhealthy like a breakfast bar, or a pop tart or something.
She knows how important it is to get a good breakfast, she used to be a track and field superstar in college. But now it's different, and she feels it in her energy all day long. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
What can she do?
One thing at a time.....
breakfast. Simple enough, but in reality for someone who has been doing
something unhealthy for so long it's actually pretty hard to do. It's
the habit loop--- Trigger>Routine>Reward.
trigger in this case is wake up and got to get kids ready for school
with a good breakfast in them. Routine is fix breakfast in a rush while
they get ready but you don't leave enough time for yourself. Reward is
knowing your kids are fed with good wholesome energy and thinking you're
a good mom.
But taking care of yourself would make you even better. Make a smoothie the night before, make some portable egg/veggie muffins, make a quick meal replacement shake, get on some online forums and see what other moms pressed for time do for breakfast.
So if she did this, what would happen?
More energy. Better mood. Better performance at work. Better performance at home. Body getting nutrients it needs.
this is 'One thing at a time' that could lead to a lot more 'THINGS'
getting improved upon. Nutrition will do that. So will physical
Vitamins and minerals are essential. The body can't function properly without them. Do something about it, it will change your life.
So will doing One Thing At A Time.......
I ask you,
What is the biggest thing you want to change about yourself right now?
Figure it out and then figure out the action steps to get there. What is the most important one?
That is your 'One Thing at a Time'
If you want to share with me let me know, but remember I expect improvement from you :) So get to working!
Jason Yun
is the owner of Yun Fitness systems and the Improvement Warrior Fitness . He specializes in helping people “look
better naked” Mr. Yun is a graduate of the Ohio State University, with an
earned Bachelor’s of Science degree in Sports and Leisure Studies with an
emphasis in fitness coaching. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning
Specialist (CSCS) and Certified Personal trainer (NSCA-CPT). He also holds the
following certifications KBA, CISSN, YFS(1).
Monday, October 7, 2013
How Actors deal with stage-fright - By Aaron Marcus
Aaron Marcus is America's Premier Acting and Modeling Career Coach. He has been making his living as an actor and a commercial model for nearly 3 decades. To date, he has been cast 1,201 times. He is the founder of and the author of How to Become a Successful Commercial Model. Aaron has given over 500 workshops and offers private online coaching sessions 4 days each month.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
FEAR - By Corey Poirier
With Halloween fast approaching, I thought it an appropriate time to talk about the subject of fear. I was watching the movie Pain and Gain last night and they noted the letters to fear stand for False Evidence Appearing Real. Yet, when people attempt to conquer their fears, more often than not, they The good news is that I have discovered, as a result of over 2500 interviews with high achievers ranging from Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup Co-Creator, Success Principles Author) to T. Harv Eker (Best Selling Author of The Millionaire Mind) to Former World Champion Trish Stratus, one of the surest paths to discovering one’s full potential is through conquering said fears, and as a result, expanding one’s In fact, when organizations hire me to speak at their meetings and conferences, I regularly share that the surest way to reach your true potential is to tackle your fear so that they can begin the process of To give you an example of the impact this has made in my life personally, in 2002, I tackled my greatest fear, public speaking, when I took to the stage to try my hand at stand-up comedy. The experience was far from comfortable. I’m sure the entire set I was covered in sweat, and my heart was racing from the first second until perhaps two hours later.
Yet, after trying, and surviving, my first stand-up performance, I found myself exhilarated. I had in some small way, expanded my comfort zone ever so slightly while also facing a great fear. I hadn’t won the I took the stage again the following week, and the week after that, and, slowly but surely, my fear continued to reduced, even if slightly each time, and my comfort zone expanded slightly until eventually, my comfort zone was perhaps twice the size as it was the first time I took to the stage. The result of this expanded comfort zone was the ability to tackle each additional fear with greater confidence until I was jumping out of a plane despite a fear of heights and surfing in Tofino, BC despite a fear of water, and perhaps most significant, I was crushing my goals in all areas of my personal, and professional, life at a pace I never thought possible.
I can’t promise you that tackling your fears will be easy, few of the great things in life are. It also may require you to take baby steps, but worse than taking baby steps or doing something that may be at first slightly uncomfortable, is regret. After the thousands of interviews mentioned, I can tell you that few things are worse than regret. Perhaps that’s why time and time again, when I have interviewed high achievers who have tackled fear after fear, they reiterate over and over that the only regrets they have are in relation to the risks they didn’t take when they had the chance. That’s why my hope is that you don’t have to live with such regret, and so my challenge to you is that you start taking baby steps in your effort to face your fears.
Whether it be telling someone that you love them, making a sales call to a client you have been fearful of talking to, or making a presentation you have been avoided, I can tell you in each case (because I have personally faced each of those three fears in my own life) that you can face these fears by taking those baby steps, and you will get better as time goes on and it will get much easier…but like me, you won’t Why? Because it’s a step that could lead to you discovering your passion, finding a new career, becoming the biggest and best you possible, meeting the love of your life, launching the business of your dreams…or maybe, just maybe, jumping onto the stage and launching into your very first stand-up set! Whatever baby step you decide to take, here’s to your greater success.
Corey Poirier is an award winning speaker and bestselling author. You can hear his radio show (which has featured everyone from Chalene Johnson of Turbo Jam fame to Dr. David Suzuki to the Iconic Comedian Richard Pryor’s daughter Rain Pryor) at and you can learn more about bringing Corey in to speak at your event at
By Corey Poirier
With Halloween fast approaching, I thought it an appropriate time to talk about the subject of fear. I was watching the movie Pain and Gain last night and they noted the letters to fear stand for False Evidence Appearing Real. Yet, when people attempt to conquer their fears, more often than not, they The good news is that I have discovered, as a result of over 2500 interviews with high achievers ranging from Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup Co-Creator, Success Principles Author) to T. Harv Eker (Best Selling Author of The Millionaire Mind) to Former World Champion Trish Stratus, one of the surest paths to discovering one’s full potential is through conquering said fears, and as a result, expanding one’s In fact, when organizations hire me to speak at their meetings and conferences, I regularly share that the surest way to reach your true potential is to tackle your fear so that they can begin the process of To give you an example of the impact this has made in my life personally, in 2002, I tackled my greatest fear, public speaking, when I took to the stage to try my hand at stand-up comedy. The experience was far from comfortable. I’m sure the entire set I was covered in sweat, and my heart was racing from the first second until perhaps two hours later.
Yet, after trying, and surviving, my first stand-up performance, I found myself exhilarated. I had in some small way, expanded my comfort zone ever so slightly while also facing a great fear. I hadn’t won the I took the stage again the following week, and the week after that, and, slowly but surely, my fear continued to reduced, even if slightly each time, and my comfort zone expanded slightly until eventually, my comfort zone was perhaps twice the size as it was the first time I took to the stage. The result of this expanded comfort zone was the ability to tackle each additional fear with greater confidence until I was jumping out of a plane despite a fear of heights and surfing in Tofino, BC despite a fear of water, and perhaps most significant, I was crushing my goals in all areas of my personal, and professional, life at a pace I never thought possible.
I can’t promise you that tackling your fears will be easy, few of the great things in life are. It also may require you to take baby steps, but worse than taking baby steps or doing something that may be at first slightly uncomfortable, is regret. After the thousands of interviews mentioned, I can tell you that few things are worse than regret. Perhaps that’s why time and time again, when I have interviewed high achievers who have tackled fear after fear, they reiterate over and over that the only regrets they have are in relation to the risks they didn’t take when they had the chance. That’s why my hope is that you don’t have to live with such regret, and so my challenge to you is that you start taking baby steps in your effort to face your fears.
Whether it be telling someone that you love them, making a sales call to a client you have been fearful of talking to, or making a presentation you have been avoided, I can tell you in each case (because I have personally faced each of those three fears in my own life) that you can face these fears by taking those baby steps, and you will get better as time goes on and it will get much easier…but like me, you won’t Why? Because it’s a step that could lead to you discovering your passion, finding a new career, becoming the biggest and best you possible, meeting the love of your life, launching the business of your dreams…or maybe, just maybe, jumping onto the stage and launching into your very first stand-up set! Whatever baby step you decide to take, here’s to your greater success.
Corey Poirier is an award winning speaker and bestselling author. You can hear his radio show (which has featured everyone from Chalene Johnson of Turbo Jam fame to Dr. David Suzuki to the Iconic Comedian Richard Pryor’s daughter Rain Pryor) at and you can learn more about bringing Corey in to speak at your event at
Friday, October 4, 2013
N.E.A.T. Ep 6 - Entrepreneur - Mike Renner - What the Rock
Mike Renner is the co-owner (along with his wife) of What The Rock - a unique - Rock & Roll themed store based in Columbus, Ohio. To find out more about his business check out the stores website at:
or in person at 1194 N High St Columbus, OH 43201
“6 Steps to Give the Impression of Confidence...when you're really afraid." - By Dr. Joyce Knudsen
“Six Steps to how to give the impression of confidence - when you're really
Everyone wants to feel confident….under any circumstances, especially when they are fearful to do so. Despite what you may think or feel, nothing will happen to you if you are less than confident!
Believe it or not, even if you “pretend” to be confident, this, in and by itself, will create it!
Here are some pointers about how to give a confident impression.
1) Be funny: People love to laugh. Used appropriately, humor can strengthen your feelings of confidence, authority and control. Actually, being funny can augment your leadership skills. After all, who would you rather work for: Laughing Laura or Boring Brad?
2) Smile: People will usually smile back. Being funny is an acceptable way to talk to people and share a laugh together.
3) Dress with Class: Although clothes don’t make the person, they certainly affect the way they feel about themselves. No one is more conscious of your physical appearance than you are. When you don’t look good, it changes the way you carry yourself and interact with other people. Use this to your advantage by taking care of your personal appearance.
4) Exhibit Good Posture: The way a person carries themselves tells a story. People with slumped shoulders and lethargic movements display a lack of self- confidence. They aren’t enthusiastic about what they’re doing and they don’t consider themselves important. By practicing good posture, you’ll automatically feel more confident. Stand up straight, keep your head up, and make eye contact. You’ll make a positive impression on others and instantly feel more alert and empowered.
5) Compliment other people: In order to break this cycle of low self-confidence,, get in the habit of praising other people. Make an effort to compliment people around you. In the process, you’ll become well liked and build self-confidence. By looking for the best in others, you indirectly bring out the best in yourself.
6) Focus on contribution: People get caught up in what they want and focus too much on “them” and not enough on the needs of other people. If you stop thinking about yourself and concentrate on the contribution you’re making to the rest of the world, you won’t worry as much about you own flaws. This will increase self- confidence and allow you to contribute with maximum efficiency. The more you contribute to the world the more you’ll be rewarded with personal success and recognition.
Now that you know six ways to improve your confidence in a fearful situation, you will be ready to take the plunge and give that great first impression. By Dr. Joyce M. Knudsen, AICI CIM
Everyone wants to feel confident….under any circumstances, especially when they are fearful to do so. Despite what you may think or feel, nothing will happen to you if you are less than confident!
Believe it or not, even if you “pretend” to be confident, this, in and by itself, will create it!
Here are some pointers about how to give a confident impression.
1) Be funny: People love to laugh. Used appropriately, humor can strengthen your feelings of confidence, authority and control. Actually, being funny can augment your leadership skills. After all, who would you rather work for: Laughing Laura or Boring Brad?
2) Smile: People will usually smile back. Being funny is an acceptable way to talk to people and share a laugh together.
3) Dress with Class: Although clothes don’t make the person, they certainly affect the way they feel about themselves. No one is more conscious of your physical appearance than you are. When you don’t look good, it changes the way you carry yourself and interact with other people. Use this to your advantage by taking care of your personal appearance.
4) Exhibit Good Posture: The way a person carries themselves tells a story. People with slumped shoulders and lethargic movements display a lack of self- confidence. They aren’t enthusiastic about what they’re doing and they don’t consider themselves important. By practicing good posture, you’ll automatically feel more confident. Stand up straight, keep your head up, and make eye contact. You’ll make a positive impression on others and instantly feel more alert and empowered.
5) Compliment other people: In order to break this cycle of low self-confidence,, get in the habit of praising other people. Make an effort to compliment people around you. In the process, you’ll become well liked and build self-confidence. By looking for the best in others, you indirectly bring out the best in yourself.
6) Focus on contribution: People get caught up in what they want and focus too much on “them” and not enough on the needs of other people. If you stop thinking about yourself and concentrate on the contribution you’re making to the rest of the world, you won’t worry as much about you own flaws. This will increase self- confidence and allow you to contribute with maximum efficiency. The more you contribute to the world the more you’ll be rewarded with personal success and recognition.
Now that you know six ways to improve your confidence in a fearful situation, you will be ready to take the plunge and give that great first impression. By Dr. Joyce M. Knudsen, AICI CIM
Thursday, October 3, 2013
ToT - Thought on Thursday - Ozymandias
"IN Egypt's sandy silence, all alone,
Stands a gigantic Leg, which far off throws
The only shadow that the Desert knows:—
"I am great OZYMANDIAS," saith the stone,
"The King of Kings; this mighty City shows
"The wonders of my hand."— The City's gone,—
Nought but the Leg remaining to disclose
The site of this forgotten Babylon.
We wonder,—and some Hunter may express
Wonder like ours, when thro' the wilderness
Where London stood, holding the Wolf in chace,
He meets some fragment huge, and stops to guess
What powerful but unrecorded race
Once dwelt in that annihilated place."
– By Horace Smith.
The less famous version of the poem - written by Horace Smith and not Percy Bysshe Shelley.
What does it mean? To me it means, all that we achieve in this life will someday fade away.
All the medals we win will someday become scrap metal.
All the discoveries we find will one day have little association with the founder (who invented fire or the wheel anyway?)
All our great times, adventures and escapades will become first distant memories, then foggy memories and finally when we pass they will be forgotten.
What survives is art. Maybe that's why I've always had a passion for it but, so many years I could have spent perfecting my craft have since turned to dust.
Apparently anything put on the internet will remain forever, but in that far future will anyone find anything interesting to search for on October 3rd, 2013 on the Motivating Minutes blog? Time will only tell - and I won't be holding my breath.
The less famous version of the poem - written by Horace Smith and not Percy Bysshe Shelley.
What does it mean? To me it means, all that we achieve in this life will someday fade away.
All the medals we win will someday become scrap metal.
All the discoveries we find will one day have little association with the founder (who invented fire or the wheel anyway?)
All our great times, adventures and escapades will become first distant memories, then foggy memories and finally when we pass they will be forgotten.
What survives is art. Maybe that's why I've always had a passion for it but, so many years I could have spent perfecting my craft have since turned to dust.
Apparently anything put on the internet will remain forever, but in that far future will anyone find anything interesting to search for on October 3rd, 2013 on the Motivating Minutes blog? Time will only tell - and I won't be holding my breath.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
D-E-C-I-D-E, 6 steps to less clutter by Lori Krolik of More Time For You
D-E-C-I-D-E, Your Path To Less Clutter by Lori Krolik of More Time For You
When it comes to clutter, one of the biggest contributors (be it paper, clothes, or kid’s toys) is your inability to make a decision. Why does the mail keep piling up? Because you are too busy to go through it or you have not made the time to deal with it, so you keep delaying the process. Why are there piles of toys sitting in your living room? Because you have not decided on the proper home for them or you have more than you need and it’s difficult for you to get rid of things. All your “I need to’s” and “I have to’s” are cluttering your mind and stressing you out because you have not decided how to handle them. This is why the clutter is there, because you could not make a decision. Make a decision now and watch those piles disappear!
Don’t Put Off Your Decisions – “Clutter is Postponed Decisions™,” so decide now not later. When you bring something into your home or office, make a decision about where it’s going to live, and put it there. When you’re finished with a project or task, clean up instead of rushing off to the next task. The longer something sits, the less likely you’ll come back to it. And usually what starts as a small clean up job becomes a much bigger one. Make it easier and act now, not later.
Eliminate The Excess – The only way to get rid of your piles is to dive in and sort into keep or toss (which includes recycle, shred, or donate). Get rid of the obvious trash– the broken items, the papers that are no longer relevant, the toys your kids outgrew long ago, etc. Once the excess is eliminated it’s much easier to decide what you are going to do with the items you keep.
Containerize – Keeping like items together makes it easier to find something when you need and it. When you use bins for toys, baskets for school or medical supplies, or dedicated drawers with dividers for tools and household hardware, etc. it’s less like that those items will spread and get out of control. The same goes for paper clutter; in-trays, magazine holders, desktop file holders, and file cabinets are ideal for keeping paper piles from cluttering all the horizontal surfaces in your home or office.
Involve Your Family – In any home, there is usually one person who sets up the systems (I don’t want to generalize here, but it’s usually the woman:-). If you want your home to stay organized, you need to involve your entire family in the process. Show them the bins you set up, label containers so they know where to find things and where to return them, make it easy for them to access the most commonly used items so they can easily return them when not in use. Things won’t always be perfect, but you can quickly recover when everything has a home and everyone knows where things go.
Dedicate a Space – If you truly want to reduce the clutter that surrounds you, everything needs a home. Every item should have a dedicated place to live. The items used more frequently should be easily accessible, while items used less often should be in a garage, attic, or hard to reach cabinet. Look around your home and decide the purpose of every closet, cabinet, drawer, or storage bin. Create a space for the items that belong there, and when they are not in use, that is where those items need to live.
Enjoy Your Success – When the piles are gone and you’re space is lighter from all the trash you took away, you want to celebrate. Treat yourself to an activity you enjoy, invest in a storage piece you’ve always wanted, or relish in the serenity of your newly organized space. You deserve a reward for hard work and a job well done!
©All trademarks and registrations are the property of Barbara Hemphill.
Ms. Krolik, a Certified Productive Environment Specialist and Professional Organizer, is the owner of More Time For You. She primarily works with residential, SOHO, and small business clients to create systems so that they can find what they need when they need it. Lori’s 17+ years in the organizing field has resulted in thousands of clients who are more organized and productive as a result of working with her. She loves helping people to create the space they love so they can live the life they want, whether at home or work. She lives in Palo Alto, CA running her successful business and managing a busy household that includes her husband and two active kids.
When it comes to clutter, one of the biggest contributors (be it paper, clothes, or kid’s toys) is your inability to make a decision. Why does the mail keep piling up? Because you are too busy to go through it or you have not made the time to deal with it, so you keep delaying the process. Why are there piles of toys sitting in your living room? Because you have not decided on the proper home for them or you have more than you need and it’s difficult for you to get rid of things. All your “I need to’s” and “I have to’s” are cluttering your mind and stressing you out because you have not decided how to handle them. This is why the clutter is there, because you could not make a decision. Make a decision now and watch those piles disappear!
Don’t Put Off Your Decisions – “Clutter is Postponed Decisions™,” so decide now not later. When you bring something into your home or office, make a decision about where it’s going to live, and put it there. When you’re finished with a project or task, clean up instead of rushing off to the next task. The longer something sits, the less likely you’ll come back to it. And usually what starts as a small clean up job becomes a much bigger one. Make it easier and act now, not later.
Eliminate The Excess – The only way to get rid of your piles is to dive in and sort into keep or toss (which includes recycle, shred, or donate). Get rid of the obvious trash– the broken items, the papers that are no longer relevant, the toys your kids outgrew long ago, etc. Once the excess is eliminated it’s much easier to decide what you are going to do with the items you keep.
Containerize – Keeping like items together makes it easier to find something when you need and it. When you use bins for toys, baskets for school or medical supplies, or dedicated drawers with dividers for tools and household hardware, etc. it’s less like that those items will spread and get out of control. The same goes for paper clutter; in-trays, magazine holders, desktop file holders, and file cabinets are ideal for keeping paper piles from cluttering all the horizontal surfaces in your home or office.
Involve Your Family – In any home, there is usually one person who sets up the systems (I don’t want to generalize here, but it’s usually the woman:-). If you want your home to stay organized, you need to involve your entire family in the process. Show them the bins you set up, label containers so they know where to find things and where to return them, make it easy for them to access the most commonly used items so they can easily return them when not in use. Things won’t always be perfect, but you can quickly recover when everything has a home and everyone knows where things go.
Dedicate a Space – If you truly want to reduce the clutter that surrounds you, everything needs a home. Every item should have a dedicated place to live. The items used more frequently should be easily accessible, while items used less often should be in a garage, attic, or hard to reach cabinet. Look around your home and decide the purpose of every closet, cabinet, drawer, or storage bin. Create a space for the items that belong there, and when they are not in use, that is where those items need to live.
Enjoy Your Success – When the piles are gone and you’re space is lighter from all the trash you took away, you want to celebrate. Treat yourself to an activity you enjoy, invest in a storage piece you’ve always wanted, or relish in the serenity of your newly organized space. You deserve a reward for hard work and a job well done!
©All trademarks and registrations are the property of Barbara Hemphill.
Ms. Krolik, a Certified Productive Environment Specialist and Professional Organizer, is the owner of More Time For You. She primarily works with residential, SOHO, and small business clients to create systems so that they can find what they need when they need it. Lori’s 17+ years in the organizing field has resulted in thousands of clients who are more organized and productive as a result of working with her. She loves helping people to create the space they love so they can live the life they want, whether at home or work. She lives in Palo Alto, CA running her successful business and managing a busy household that includes her husband and two active kids.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Stop Being So Comfortable - By Bridget Hieronymus
There's this great quote I like - "Life begins outside of your comfort zone." And isn't that so true? It is for me. The moments I feel alive and on fire are moments when I chuck all fear and rational thinking out the window, say good bye to my ho hum routine of life and just blow like the wind .... totally free and fluttering in life life a bird.
And that's not to say that my ho hum life isn't great, but it's just to say that I want MORE because as perfect as this life is ... I know there is way more to be gotten. And I guess the only way to get the more and move on into bigger and better lives is to risk the comfy cozy safety of this one, ya know?
I often say to people ... you'll never get what you want by sitting in your living room or drinking wine in bed at night. Dreams don't come that way. They don't just show up. Ya gotta take some action ... any action ... no matter how little bitty in order to get them.
For me I can only stay in routine for so long. I'll start to itch for change and when that itch comes ... I scratch!!! And scratch hard!
Currently I'm making some BIG moves in my life, investing in things I NEVER thought I would invest in and taking risks with my time, money and energy all to make my dreams come true and scratch my itch and get out of my comfort zone.
I don't want comfort. I want AMAZING!!!
I think joy and happiness know, no bounds except those we place there. I think I can say that I'm the happiest I've ever been and speak of how beautiful and amazing it all is ... and I do. And it is! It SO IS!
But I also always know how much more there is and how abundant life is and that happiness has ZERO limits. It's as far as the eye can see and we can have as much (or as little if we're stupid) of it as we want. And I want A LOT.
Bridget Hieronymus is a Life Coach - you can find out more about her by visiting:
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