Now is a good time to brand yourself and online marketing is the way to go. The internet has made it possible for us as motivated entrepreneurs to reach millions of prospective clients with one click. Depending on your line of business, you have the option of local, regional, national and international marketing. With my book The Craigslist Hustle, I have the opportunity to reach customers on an international level thanks to the internet. I use a program called Aweber ( that allows me to collect the email addresses of individuals who visit my site (http://www.
Born and raised in Nashville, TN, LaJuan is a father, husband and entrepreneur with the desire to help others succeed. Taking his experiences working in customer service for over 10 years and making a lucrative income from buying and selling online, LaJuan has helped people all around the world with his self help books. Seeing how his family and friends were surprised at how easily he could make money on Craigslist, LaJuan was inspired to sit and write The Craigslist Hustle.

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