The first interview is from Vicky of - who once approached a million dollars worth of debt. Here is her story:
1. How did you get into debt?
one of the other partners' wives was wise to these shenanigans. She
refused to sign the paperwork unless the bank specified that all the
wives' sole and separate property would be exempt from collection. And
fortunately, I happened to come into an inheritance that allowed me to
make my escape.
One million dollars. How did it make me feel? It made me feel like divorcing my husband. Which I did.
When I realized we were a million bucks in debt
for which we had nothing material to show, that he had kept this from
me, and that he had lied by omission in a number of other matters.
The length of time it took to get a judge to dissolve the marriage. The judgment said that my ex- agreed to take on the debt, although of course I knew it was community debt and there was nothing I could do to keep the bank and credit-card lenders from coming after me.
One million dollars. How did it make me feel? It made me feel like divorcing my husband. Which I did.
3. When did you decide to get out of debt and why?
4. How long did it take you to get completely debt free?
Actually, there was something: I had to keep him out of bankruptcy.
the creditors were about to sweep down on him, I borrowed on margin
against every liquid penny I owned, and so did his mother. Between the
two of us, we came up with enough to beat back the Huns, and he was
rescued from ruin. He agreed to pay me back at an interest rate somewhat
higher than I had to pay on the margin loan, and so, in the end, I came
out OK. He did pay it back -- it wasn't that the guy welshed on his debts,
but that he managed his money foolishly and that he insisted on
little-womaning the wifey. Since he earned a great deal of money, once
he was forced to behave more responsibly, he was able to pay off the
money he'd borrowed from me.
Meanwhile, after I became free
I bought a house. I was to get spousal support until my ex- reached the
age of 59 1/2, when supposedly I would have access to my half of the
retirement fund (as it develops, this did not come to pass). By this
time I had a significant other, who moved in with me and paid half the
mortgage as rent. That strategy made the house an investment property,
and so all the many repairs and improvements that needed to be done were
tax-deductible. Eventually I threw the boyfriend out (he was abusive),
doubling my living cost. Realizing the house payment was more than half
my net salary, I decided to use the inheritance to pay off the mortgage.
Even though my investment advisor strongly objected to this (he felt I
was over-invested in real estate, since I also owned some REITs through
TIAA-CREF, which were the only instruments TIAA-CREF offered at the time
that were earning anything), I have never regretted it. And in fact,
having paid off the house kept a roof over my head when I was laid off
my job in 2009.
5. What advice would you give to someone trying to become debt free?
you don't have the money in the bank to buy something, don't buy it. I
never run up a charge unless the money is sitting in an account to pay
for it. Although I do charge all of my living and emergency expenses, I
pay off the cards at the end of the month.

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