1. How did you get into debt? - I got into debt
like a lot of people do. I didn't have or make a lot of money in
college so I started racking up balances on my credit cards so I could
do the things everyone else was doing at the time.
2. How deeply in debt were you at the worst point? What did it feel like? - Probably
5 or 6 thousand dollars at the worst point. Compared to a lot of people
I know it isn't a ton, but it still felt like a huge monkey on my back.
It was so frustrating that I just couldn't pay my cards off no matter
how hard I tried.
3. When did you decide to get out of debt and why? - I always wanted to get out of debt,
but it wasn't until I realized how much of each paycheck I was bringing
home that was going towards my credit cards that I really got serious
about getting rid of those balances.
4. How long did it take you to get completely debt free? - It took me about about two years from the point where I decided that I'd had enough until I was completely debt free.
The accumulating interest makes it harder than I realized to get out
quickly, but when I finally made my last payment it was the best feeling
in the world. I finally felt like I had my own life and wasn't working
just so I could pay someone else back.
5. What advice would you give to someone trying to become debt free? - The best advise I can give is to be patient. It's a long, frustrating road out of debt
but once you get there it will all be worth it. Just stick to your plan
and keep the end in sight. It can be done, no matter how much debt you find yourself in.
- Jay

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