However, if we gave you months - 12 months to be exact - what steps would you need to get fit?
This goes along with the line of questioning for this week's fitness experts whom I asked:
"What’s one tip for for those out of shape to get in shape by next summer?"
Here are the responses - great as usual:
Jason Yun
" Set goals for total weight loss, body fat %, inches lost, and nutrition- 1 year, quarterly, Monthly, weekly, and daily. 1 year is your overall, quarter goals keep you in line with your yearly, monthly keep you inline with your quarterly, weekly inline with monthly, and daily inline with your weekly. Don't write them and forget them- Study them daily.
Your goals are your MOTIVATION even when you
don't have any. You will hit roadblocks- reassess and keep moving
forward towards those goals. "
"This is a precarious scenario because getting in SHAPE, from out of
Shape, is far more involved then One Tip Away. Any Legitimate Fitness
Expert will tell you the same thing "It's a Lifestyle". Having said that
the one thing that can be done is to START on this path to a Healthier
You…So I will use my client as an example because he actually
accomplished this very achievement. He is a Medical Doctor who lost
150lbs. in one year, which was half of his body weight. He planned on it
from day one, stayed focused and knew what he wanted to accomplish. I
provided the HOW, so following our lead this is how we did it...1) Write
out a plan or schedule for your week, each week. For example, week #1,
every morning hit the treadmill or walk outside then do 50 crunches and
20 push ups. Early evening walk again and repeat crunches and push ups.
Then week two step it up and continue the progress from week to week. At
the same time evaluate your eating/nutrition and chart a plan for your
Healthy meals throughout the day and week. NOW you have a plan and a
path to progress on throughout the year to the following Summer. You can
accomplish anything you Choose to, I witness it everyday."
To learn more about Bobby
- Please check out his site:
"As rudimentary as it sounds, start loading your plate full of vegetables. Vegetables
are jam packed full of phytonutrients, which are crucial for a healthy
body, and also pack plenty of fiber which keeps us fuller longer.
"If you're trying to get in shape by
next summer it's important to put together a sustainable lifestyle change that
will get you to where you want to be in that time frame. If you start now,
you'll have 8 months to get in shape again so don't feel rushed but do start as
soon as possible. Avoid crash diets and get-fit quick routines because they're
almost certain to fail. By their very nature, these radical lifestyle changes
are band-aids for a poor lifestyle rather than a true fix. For someone who has
let their diet and training go, the benefits from these quick-fixes tend to be
short-lived. A long-term, sustainable lifestyle change is what is necessary to
get yourself back on track. Eat as cleanly as possible in appropriate portions
but allow yourself some moderation to have infrequent but regular 'cheats.' As
you adjust to your new diet, start to incorporate new healthy options and
substitute the ones you like for your less healthy options. You'll also want to
start or increase your fitness training. Start slow and gradually increase your
fitness training to the point where you're doing some form of physical activity
at least 5 days a week. If you're limited on time, including several days of
full body resistance training with moderate to high intensity will provide the
best bang for your buck. Add a little aerobic or metabolic conditioning work
and you'll have a balanced training and diet plan that will compromise the bulk
of the lifestyle change you'll need to get in shape by next summer. If you want
to go 'all in' make sure you're sleeping well and managing stress and you'll be
well on your way to being super fit next summer. "
When our plate is
void of veg, we tend to overeat carbohydrates and dietary fat in
attempt to fill up. This is a danger zone when it comes to body fat!
Start slowly
and ramp your way up until every meal contains two types of vegetables -
a colored veggie (carrots, onions, peppers, etc), and a green veggie
(spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, etc)....
A couple of my
favorite ways to cook my vegetables are to chop them up into big chunks,
toss them in olive oil, salt and pepper, and roast them in the oven. A
favorite mix of mine is zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli florets, and
onions. Another great idea is to get a grill basket and cook them
outside on the grill for a different smoky flavor.
Remember to get
creative to prevent boredom! Google veggie recipes for new seasoning
and preparation ideas, and challenge yourself to try new things. The
more vegetables you can pile on your plate, the less room there will be
for things that don’t support a happy healthy body!"
Dr. Mike Young
Owner at Human Performance Consulting & Athletic Lab
Cert. Strength and Conditioning Specialist,
Weightlifting Coach, PhD in Biomechanics,
To learn more about Dr. Young
- Please check out his site:
Julie Wilkes
Exercise Physiologist, Studio Owner,
Life Coach, Yoga/Pilates Instructor,
Motivational Speaker
"Know specifically what you want to accomplish by next summer and break it down into small steps that will get you there!
have to know what you want to get what you want. Be clear on what you
envision for your life and write it down. Put the details to it. Make
it so detailed you can picture exactly what you want. Picture yourself
next summer- who you want to be, how you want to feel - everything about
your life. That's where you start.
Next Steps:
Once you have your vision, the next step is to set a series of connected goals that lead you to your vision.
- Since we have a year to get there, start by determining what your half-way goals should be. Set specific measurable results you want to accomplish within 6 months.
- Then, break those 6 month milestones into quarterly goals. That means, every 3 months, you will have a check in with yourself to make sure you are on track. Again, these should be specific and measurable.
- After that, think about how to translate those into monthly goals. Think about what you can accomplish each month that leads you to your quarterly aspirations.
- The final step is to take those monthly goals and break them into weekly bite-sized tasks. "
To learn more about Julie
- Please check out her site:
So what do you think? Will these tips help you get fit by next summer? Do you have any tips of your own? Feel free to leave a comment below!
So what do you think? Will these tips help you get fit by next summer? Do you have any tips of your own? Feel free to leave a comment below!
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