This Blog's Purpose

The purpose of this blog is help people improve their Mind, Body, Soul (relationships) and their Money.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

(TOT) Thought on Thursday - Just Show up

SHOW UP It's very easy to say you'll do something.

To say you'll be there when you really have other plans.

As the saying goes "Talk is cheap".

I've learned that you can

Accomplish a lot
Learn a lot
- and -
Achieve a lot

by simply showing up.

Typically when my Mastermind group comes together there are always a few people who reserve a space on but then never end up showing.

If they had simply shown up, they would have gained access to so many resources and began to build relationships with people who could help them instantly get closer to their goals.

I felt that way yesterday when we had a guest who had much greater connections in the tech space than I (or anyone else in the group)  has currently.

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